- DESI Cow Ghee from BILONA Process has a dominant place in Hindu Mythology KAMDHENU is considered as one of the 14 precious RATNAS that comes out in the Ocean Churning Process in search of AMRITA. According to the Great Yogi Shri Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati, translated, among all the known animals on earth DESI Cow alone has a SURYAKETU NADI – that can absorb the Life-Giving energy from the first rays of The Sun. This energy is absorbed in our blood in a golden yellow color element- named Carotene. This is why all the products made from cow milk are a yellow in color.
Q1.Why Cow’s milk is Amrit?
Ans.- Cow milk has amino acids that make its macromolecule simply eatable and is nice for urinary organ.
- Indian Cow milk is a rich source of Vitamins like B2, B3, Vit A which help increase immunity.
- Indian Cow milk facilitates in reducing acidity a standard drawback nowadays and reduces possibilities of ulceration.
- Indian Cow milk facilitates in reducing possibilities of colon, breast, and skin cancer.
- Indian Cow milk helps to reduce the formation of serum cholesterol.
- Indian Cow milk is one of the best natural anti-oxidants.
- Indian Cow milk has K that facilitates the development of a healthy mind.
- Indian Cow milk not solely facilitates polygenic disorder however has sensible sugar for diabetic patients.
- Indian Cow milk is a perfect food for folks of all age teams.
- Indian Cow milk is best for feeding when mothers milk.
- Low-fat content helps one keep fit and to check obesity.
- Calcium and Phosphorus in Cow milk facilitate balanced absorption of nutrients and area unit sensible for healthy growth, especially for youngsters.

- Presently most of the Ghee (almost 100%) available in the market is from milk fat (cream) separated from regular processed milk. Firstly the milk in itself is homogenized with chemicals and in most cases A1 type, thus harmful, secondly on being treated and processed most of its nutrients are destroyed with the use of chemicals. Bilona Ghee is extracted by traditional Vedic bilona process from farm-fresh and pure A2 Milk of GIR Cows thus preserving whole fat and nutrition from milk being also called DESI BILONA GHEE. A2 Protein is an A2 Beta-Casein protein having essential nutrients like CLA, multivitamins, Omega 3,6,& 9 Fatty Acids which makes the traditional Bilona Ghee nutritious and healthy. Gavya Shree follows the below process for Ghee making.
- 33 Liters of Milk is boiled (on wood/cow-dung fire), cultured to form Curd (min 8 hours of culturing, mostly overnight) in a clay pot.
Cultured curd is churned with a wooden stick (Bilona) for a long time (2-3 hours depending on the quantity of curd) to separate Butter-Milk and Butter. Butter is then removed with a strainer and collected separately.
Collected butter is wrapped in a cotton cloth for 48 hours and allowed to discharge its inherent leftover buttermilk.
Semi-solid butter is heated in a thick vessel on mild cow-dung fire to form Clarified Butter (Traditional Vedic Bilona Gavya Shree GHEE).

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